How to clean your dirty alcantara steering wheel and keep it looking new
Nothing is like the feeling of fresh, crisp, fluffy alcantara in your hands when your car or steering wheel is brand new but fast forward a few months or years and you will find that the matte soft fibers of your alcantara steering wheel quickly become shiny, flat and look very worn out! Good news is that you shouldn’t be too concerned just yet! It may be reversible!
Over the years of detailing at Leading Edge detailing we have seen many cars come and go and many if not all had one thing in common, dirty steering wheels. Why always the steering wheel? Simple, we use it all the time! Oil and dirt from our hands, dead skin, make up and so many other factors make it very easy to quickly get that steering wheel dirty.
In this blog we talk about how to easily clean the dirt off your alcantara steering wheel at home with basic tools and products and keep that steering wheel looking fantastic.
If you like a good read please continue but if you are that visual kind of person then below is a video I made when I purchased an expensive alcantara steering wheel for my BMW M140i off eBay and it was simply too dirty for me to live with so I cleaned it up in the top secret method I will share with you in this blog!
Now that we know what makes or gives our alcantara steering wheels that flat shiny dirty look we can begin to address the problem by first making sure we have the required tools and products, like always we use and recommend the IGL range of products found at IGL Coatings Australia
What you need to clean your alcantara steering wheel:
Not a big list at all!
Nice and easy way to clean that alcantara which everyone is afraid to touch!
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